What is PDR
After the fixing with the PDR method The customer continues to win
because the car don’t lose worth. The original paint is priceless
because in the factory the primer the paint and the clear are burn in to
another with unbelievable high temperatures, that’s what they make them
so resistant and stable. No paint box except of these in the factory can
heat up so much .
You can call it the enemy of the painting.
The fixing of one or more dents is not necessarily beat out,filling and
painting, we can fix the dent with the PDR Method to 100% faster,
perfect quality and cheaper.
With the same way we can fix the dents how was caused by hail, no matter
if the amount of dents are hundreds.
A very important fact except of the method is the passion of the
technician connected to his professionalism.
With the same tools but different philosophy and technique who still counts as PDR it’s possible to fix dents from careless door opening, dropping off an object or vandalism.
The use of the PDR method or two.
First you got the push from inside out with the right tool and experience or with special adapters and glue you can pull it out from the outside, in many cases we use both in combination.
And some damages mostly from hail we need to remove the covers from the damaged panel. In case your car was hit by hail the insurance prefer this method for obvious reasons. Time quality and affordable are the three reasons why insurance and customer are happy.
PDR Methods
They are two ways to fix a dent.
The first way is to push the dent from the inside to the outside. The
right light helps the technician to bring the panel into his original
form without to mark the paint as long he has access.
The second way is when the dent has no access like on the Rail or on
difficult part on the door the access can be very difficult or
impossible, in cases like this we pull the dent from the outside out
with a special glue and adapters.
We put the adapter with the glue on it gently on the dent and pull
carefully as many times as it takes to get the panel to his original
form. On the haildamage, parking damage, uncarefully door opening or
vandalism damage we do a combination of these two ways.
Art of damage
The PDR method can Fix haildamaged cars (no matter how many times are on
the car) without painting, but also damages who happens at the parking,
for example The car next to you open it’s door and hits your car with it
or you open your door uncarefully and you hit an object.
Another category that we see these days a lot are vandalism.